Doctor Crusher has often been a background character or love interest, but the first trailer for Picard season 3 sees her as an action hero figure.
The return of Doctor Beverley Crusher (Gates McFadden) to Star Trek: Picard season 3 will redeem an insulting moment from Star Trek: The Nex
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The dollar’s remarkable rally s
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It's one of those movie cars that arguably outshone the movie stars. Here are some things you don't know about the car.
There are just a handful of car movies where the car outshines the star. True spectacles that hammer home the i
TS2 Space. Satellite Phone and VHF/UHF Radio works where traditional communication is difficult or impossible.
4G and 5G CPE market is segmented by players, region (country), by Type and by Application. Players, stakeholders, and other participants in the global 4G and 5G CPE market will
Davis-Standard will begin its 2022 tradeshow season in Moscow at Interplastica on January 25 - 28. In Hall 2.2 at booth D07 in the Swiss Pavillion, representatives from Maillefer and from ER-WE-PA, Davis-Standard’s subsidiary in Germany, will be available to discuss technology for blown film
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Do you ever wish you could go back to school?
While I personally cannot relate, I know there are a handful of those who loved their education and missed sitting in a classroom for a large chunk of the day.
Lucky for those who want to continue learning, New Jersey is home to some ex
Geek Culture | Movies, TV, Comic Books & Video Games
Tom Jolliffe looks at ten unnecessary remakes from the past and coming soon that no one asked for…
Hollywood is full of interesting and original ideas. Studios are actively looking to pursue new concepts and move away from
With Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania trying to be one of many greatest MCU films since Infinity War when it launches Phase 5 subsequent 12 months, it is easy to overlook that many made fun of the decision to cast Paul Rudd as the superhero. Of course, it turned out to be one of many MCU̵
This film review was first published in conjunction with the Friday the 13th Blu-Ray SteelBook release.
Before there was Jason Voorhees, the iconic hockey mask wearing unstoppable killing machine, there was simply a boy named Jason who died at Camp Crystal Lake and left b